Ahlquist Tebano, E-M.(2020). Educazione cosmica e immaginazione, i Sensi, immaginazione e intelletto. I Dimensione estetica ed espressione di sé nella pedagogia montessoriana, Università LUMSA, Rom: Fefé Editore

Ahlquist Tebano, E-M. & Gynther, P. (2020). Teaching in the Montessori classroom: Investigating Variation Theory and Embodiment as Bases for Teacher’s Development. Journal of Montessori Research. https://doi.org/10.17161/jomr.v6i1.12051

Ahlquist Tebano, E-M. & Gynther, P. (2019). Variation Theory and Montessori Education. Journal of Montessori Research & Education, 2(1), pp.13–23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.16993/jmre.12

Ahlquist, Tebano, E-M, Gustafsson, C. & Gynther, P. (2018). Montessoripedagogik: Utbildning för en hållbar värld. I A. Forsell (Red.),  Boken om pedagogerna, (s. 202–227). Stockholm: Liber

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Ahlquist Tebano, E-M. (2012). Skolans levda rum och lärandets villkor: meningsskapande i montessoriskolans fysiska miljö . Diss. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, 2012

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Ahlquist, E-M. (2000). Läroplanen och det historiska perspektivet i grundskolans matematikundervisning – förutsättningar och begränsningar. En jämförande studie mellan Lpo 94 och montessoripedagogiken. Specialarbete, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm


Ahlquist Tebano, E-M.(2015 01 25) Dimensions of time perspective – from the child’s own “time line” to the Time Line of Life. The Montessori Days of Neuchâtel (Switzerland).

Ahlquist Tebano, E-M.& Gynther, P., (2019 05 17). Reducing the gap between theory and practice – Montessori teacher training and variation theory. Quality Teachers and Quality Teacher Education: Research, Policy and Practice. Poster presentation vid TEPE 2019 Conference